Relationship Therapy
Therapy is one of the most effective ways to keep a relationship healthy; to prepare a couples for change or to heal after conflict, hurt, or challenge. Relationship therapy is provided to couples in the State of Florida by Mr. Gary J. Santucci of Associates in Counseling and Mediation.
Relationship Therapy FAQs
Do couples have to fight to attend relationship therapy?
Helping a couple make an important and impactful decision. Couples who attend relationship therapy invest in their future.
Are there counselors specific to LGBT couples?
At Associates in Counseling & Mediation, all couples are welcome to receive therapy from certified therapists regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Associates in Counseling & Mediation supports love in all of its forms and knows that all couples face similar and diverse challenges and obstacles throughout their relationships.
Can counseling help a couple decide whether to separate?
Yes, through counseling couples can determine whether they want to stay together or part ways. Counseling can provide the setting and encouragement needed for healthy dialogue. In many cases, couples work through differences during their counseling sessions and leave healthier than before. In other cases, partners reveal that their desires lie outside of the relationship and can work through it in a healthy way, even if this means separation or divorce. Whatever the outcome, the goal is that both partners leave counseling feeling empowered for happiness in the future.
How does counseling work?
Counselors are trained to uncover core issues creating disconnection and conflict in couples without placing blame or creating added conflict. By uncovering core issues, the counselor can help couples find simple, creative ways to show love and respect for each other.
What’s the best way to choose a therapist?
Choosing the right therapist is sometimes a trial-and-error process. As a first step, the couple should do their research by choosing a therapist recommended by a friend or family member and credentials. After that, the couple simply judges the fit based on their counseling sessions. When the fit is right, the couple feels comfortable with the counselor and feels that they bring something of value to the relationship.